Mercury outboard repair is staffed with factory-trained experts ready to help get you the most out of your time on the water. From routine maintenance to in-season repair and winterization, your local Mercury Authorized Dealer has the parts, tools and technicians with the expertise to handle your boat and engine service needs.

The latest version of the engine serial number label includes a second-to-last character that indicates the model year. This is a change from the past, when the last character of the code was manually updated every 12 months. By eliminating the model year designation, the most recent technology and improvements can be made available in real time, rather than waiting for a new model year to roll out.

Can I use fuel containing ethanol in my Mercury outboard?

If you are using a gasoline that contains ethanol, it is important to properly maintain your fuel system. This can include regularly checking for and removing any water from the fuel tank. Also, consider adding a tank degasser or a product like Quickstor to your fuel system to keep water out of the tank and reduce oxidation, gum formation and metal-corrosion in storage.

Mercury recommends that you use a protective corrosion warranty such as the MerCathode, which protects against galvanic corrosion. The application process for this warranty is simple, and the protection can be renewed annually to ensure that you have maximum corrosion protection from the elements for your power package and stainless steel propeller. Your authorized dealer can provide you with the application form and details.